Bahmnyar's Poem concerning the kinds of sentences and A com pletion of Ibn,Malek's al, alfeya(One-thous and verses)


Mohamed Javad Bahmanyar an Iranian scholar and scientist (J330
AH/1296 A.H)
has com posed apoem in rajas meter reqarding Arabic sentences and it's
Rinds as a completion for the al , alfeya of Ibn malek the Andolusian.
this wniier has began with an introdue tion concerning Persiam learned
men and writers and thair role in the field of Arabic researches in the Past
and future. Their presents a summary about scientific life of Ibn, Malek,
composer of Alfeya and mohammedI avad Bahmanyar the poet of the com
pletion. In the end explans Bahmanyar's poem with it's 52 verses. we hope
this uncle makes Arubveaders acquained with persian's cieniific abilities
and their services which have rendered to the Arabic syntax, and the
students of the Arabic syntax find their favourite in it,