Investigating the Oldest Glossary of the Glorious Quran


The Calligraphic work of "The Explanation of the Meanings of the
Qur'anic Words" compiled by Ali Ibn - Abdullah Ibn Abbas (118 A.H.),
according to the Qur'anic researchers, is about the aspect, dimentions, and
similarities of the Glorious Quran. This book being a valuable source has
the meanings of 72 Qur'an words.
Scme scholars believe that the oldest book in this field is ''Al-Ishbah wa
Al-Naza'ir written by Moqatil lbn-Suliman Balkhi (150 A.H.). If it is
proved that "The Explanation of ..." is really attributed to Ibn-Abbas, it must
be considered as the oldest one which is absolutely significant. of course,
one may find out many indications, whether inside or outside the text, thet
this book is truly attributed to Ibn Abbas.