

If we study the destiny of the nations which have enibarked on revolution, we learn that being absorbed in n'wterial pleasure and welfare puts n'wnkind on the path in which he or she keeps aloof from revolutionary and spiritual attractions and non divine inclinations substitute revolutiona!)' thought and everybody decides to turn toward lu'(urous life... The issue of the continuation of the islan1ic revolution was an10ng the most sensitive issues after the victory of the Islamic revolution. It was important with regard to the destiny of Iran and l_lam and the oppressed in the world.
The continuation of the revolution cannot materialized without any rule or law. To this end, one should know the rules
related to it and observe it. Based on these rules and criteria, one should know dan'wges and obstacles and crisis on time and should solve the problems res0l1ing to reason and wisdon1. Eve!)' stage of the revolution needs its own way of challenges. Getting through these stages leaves behind its enormous historical experiences and teachings. One can lean! a lesson
fron'1 then1 and exploit then1 for the benefit of the future.