

Many researchers and historians believe that the city of "Zarang", which was the headquarter of Sistan since Sassardds era and remained the same
until the devastating attack of 1imurids in 780 H. , is the same city of "Shahr - e - Sistan".
Contrary to this, the authors suggest that when "Zarang" lost its political role in the late 4th century of Hijrat (10th A.D), "Shahre - e - Sistan" city became the new capital so called "Dar . al hokumeh" of Sistan and remained as capital till the early 9th cenlUlJl of Hijrat (15th A.D).
In this article, the authors try to prove the accuracy of the change of the capital from "Zarang" to "Shahr - e - Sistan" as an important historical event by reffering to different valid historical resources.