

TIle territories of Eastem part of Islamic caliphate was faced with great difficulties around the era of Mogol invasion: TIle absence of centeral reliable power, the multiplicity of power and conflict to gain more power oppression of the rnlers upon people, sultan Mohammad's appetite for more power, the AnNaser intention to restore the lost paramount of Abbassid
caliphate. The tellSion hetween the caliph and the sultall. The seditiollS of Ismailite sect, Sufi's superstition, the religious biases and bitter debate between various sects, the ever - increasing taxes and tributes, the occurance

of natural catastrophes such as famine and eatrhlJuake, all and all terminated to a critical condition and finally the rise of a fresh and powerful rule of Chengis Khan in the desert of Mongolia led to a great change in Islamic world, specially in the Enstem Islamic territories