

Over much of Qazvin Plain denudation has distributed or destroyed Neolithic land surfaces and shallow subsoil colltexts. Cultural material,
containing domestic debris occasionally come to light by chance, either through the excavation of late-period sites or through natural and human activities. But once the artifacts from these contexts become exposed to natural weathering agencies, those composed of organic and ceramic materials.
Frequelltly disintegrate, however lithic artifacts are more resiliellt and are easily recognizable 011 the surface of di'!tributed ground. Clearly controlled surface survey is the most promising field survey method for retrieving traces
of domestic and other activities of Neolithic Period from areas of disturbance.

The aim of this short preliminary paper i'! to discu'!s the potelltial and limitation of thi'! form of field survey as a method for locating and definnig Neolithic selliement sites.