One of the diffierent kinds of human arts is the ideal manifestation of putting the words into vese. This ancient art is a divine blessing and beyound every one's capacity.
Since long time ago, the poets were the best and the only propagandistic way of people, groups, rulers, and merchants to express the claimallls' opinions according to their requests in the form of the words. Some of them wanted to lampoon the people or to rejuvenize their days of youth and some others requested to be praised. The poets as the propagato!)' tools acted in two different ways. Some of them composed the good and suitable poems such as Farazdagh. Deable, Komait, Sadi, Hafez and so on, the others play their roles in accordact to others', will and to their personal situatiollS. They also put their words illlo verse in a business manner. Islam distingubihes the divine poets from the others. In this research we have tried to express the
poem, the History and their different kinds and rules according to the present capability of research.