The explanations of old Persian are invaluable collections of the oft-forgotton lexicon of our language. In order to be familiarized with the preceding of Persian language, one need to pay attention to these precious treasures. The explanation of "Yanabi" is one of the texts, part of which is available in the central library of Tehran University and a
smaller section in the library of the late Ayatollah Mar / ashi. But the very part beginnig with the توبه (immunity) chapter to کهف (the cave) chapter (the central library version), the
part beginnig from the chapter مریم (Marium) to the end of the Holy Koran (Ayatollah Marashi's version) indicate the language (linguistic) value they have. In this aric1e an attempt is made to familiarize the readers with the charcteristic features of this explanatoin.