

The modern Qasida or the entire Qaseda is an example for the coherence in form with content, and the interference of consciousness with unconsciousness, and the unity of the essence with the universe or the melting of the poet in the existing materials, and the melting of these existing materials, as a whole, within the Qasida. This represents the climax of moderness in the movement of the devlopment of the Arabic poetry. It was based on the heritage of Sufism which inclines to an extreme in the Islamic culture in addition to the heritage of western Sufism, which is deeply related to surrealism and symbolism. All these elements led to a great ambiguity and to an exaggeration in the violation of the rules of the Arabic poetic arts and its elements of thought and expression, as well as to a basic change in the concept of poetic music.
The causes of ambiguty in the entire Qasida are the subject of debate in this article, with emphasis on new linguistic usages and the modern methods of picture and the
ways of thinking and its origins, the western origins represented in the phylosophic movements and literary schools, and those of Arabic OrIgInS, particularly represented in the Sufism heritage.
