

Imam Ali 's Nahjulbalaqah is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding Islamic and literal)' texts. Hence) there are many explanations, translations)
and interpretations concerning this wonderful holy work. One of them belongs to the great Shiite scholar, i.e. Abulhasan Ali Ibn - Hasan Zavari in the tenth centul)' (A.H). He was the student of the scholars such as Korki and Fathullah Kashani. Many scholars) such as Milza Abdullah Afandi) M alekosho 'ara Bahar, Sa' id Nafisi) etc. have admired his scientific status.
In this paper, as an extract from the researcher's Ph.D. dissertation) it has been tried to edit this translation and explanation of Nahjulbalaghah. In this process) the researcher has referred to five valid texts and references being present in four significant libraries in Iran.
