

Book and Library in reviewing the realms of thought, talents and scholarly and cultural ways, had always been the proof of every powerful nation,s civilization,s genunoness as well as the firm foundation of its culture---in the manner
that evolution of every nation,s civilization could be recognized from it.
The book and library has played a sensitive and effective role as an scholarly and intellectual demarcation line beside those of the governments, in all Persian language geographical areas from Khorassan up to Azerbaijan and fars, and from Transoxiana (Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) up to the Indo-Pakistan sub-Continent, including Bangladesh and, undoubtedly, it could be mentioned that all reformist-movements in social, Political, moral, scholarly and talent fields in the world have begun from the book-bed, that is, library. Therefore, I confine my talk in this
article to "Iranian Libraries During the Timurids Period," and put the unremitting presence, spiritual influence and
importance of the book and library, III intellectual fathoming, in the melting pot in a brief analysis.
