In this article certain aspects of semantics are examind. Firstly, the recognised unity and harmony within the study of semantics is discussed as is the fact that elements of speech are sometimes comprised of morphems and sometimes of compounds.
The leader of; linguistic competence, "Abdol Ghaher", is the first person who speaks of this form of speech. He says "': "There is one form of speech whose sentence structures and syntax are such that they display semantic unity and harmony. He then gives three examples from which it can be concluded that internal sentence structures and their syntax take various forms.
1) The "Atf' method: one or several sentences principal or
modal conditional or non- conditional.
2) The "Seleh" and "Mowsul" method: individual interpenetration within one sentence or within an auxiliary sentence in "Seleh" and so on.
This article deals with the analysis of certain examples of the concluding verses of the holy chapter of "FORGHAN" and cites thirteen verses with reference to one construction, verses which principally concern "the recognition of "Ebadol - Rahman" as its sole object and various interpenetrating and related subjects, whereby eight subjects can be seen to be used for one object using one method, (i.e. the "Seleh" and "Mowsul" method). Here, the object is so well defined that no doubt remains.