Some of biased critics in Arabic literature have raised prejudiced ideas on Shiit commited composers. They have highly attacked their literary-religous personality and have neglected their consistency and open-mindedness and may they have consciously done so. In this article I want, first, to raise some of these biased points and then answer them properly.
Dr.Nabil Khalil Abohaltam insists on introducing "Sayyed Hemyari" as "kisani" and ignores the Arabic critics' points on changing his religion from "Kisanieh" to "Imamieh".
Regarding the verses "Dik Oljen" has written in gratitude of "Ahmad Ibn Ali Hashemi", Dr.Shoghi Zeif introduces him as one of the "Shiit Gholat".
"Shoghi" is also doubtful if "Debal" is really Shiit and has vaguely expressed his eternal elegy "Taieh" and believes that Debal has not written the poem, but to finance "Ghom" people's property.
Foad Efram Bostani in his book "Arravaae" introduces Abou Faras Hamdani's long religious Poetry"Ashshafieh" as a fake book and questions all his poetry and considers it as a vague one.