- The meaning of Salam (salutation).
The Salam has four meanings:
1- Salam as the peace (name of God)in Surat Alhashr (Resurrection) chapter:
(\ ) هوالله ...هوالملک القدوس السلام
He is God... he is lord and the Holy one (a name of God)
and The peace. (l)
2- Salam as the name of the paradise in Surat vnes (Jonah
والله یدعو الی دارالسلام)(2)
and God calls in to the paradise.
3- Salam as Peace is the antonym of the war. 4- Salam as salutation in tow chapters: Ibrahim (Abraham) and vnes (JOnah),
Their Salutation in تحیتهم فیها سلام(3):
Paradise is Salam.