At the time of the silence of history and the era of archeological weahless, this is religion and myth that has been of assistance to man and has lead him out of the dark, wary mysterious sea of one's mind into a beautiful, calm world of power. Religion has guided humans towards making and towrdJ the way of life. A remark on that is beyond the material life, and on the upper world and a supreme power is a remark inspired to humans through religion. It is too difficult to talk about religion and its exact definition, however if we look at the beginning of religion. Its inseparable tie to myth will become evident. If we trace remark on religion and myth in Mathnawi. we willnatice how Mawlana has made use of this gnostic roaring river. He considers God to be the source of all knowledge taught to prophets.
Astronomy and medicine are prophets's inspiration, where can reason and sense go?
Mawlana's inner look at spirituality in which his soul and life are abridged is the same strong tie between religion and myth represented in the form of story and allegury.