Tehran a small village of Ray Metropolis with limited population has been changed into megalopolis containing abOll! seven million inhabitants. Only, during last century - almost in second half – the population grew forty two timeJ and the area expanded thirty fold.
AJ the urban land is occupied by more than 40% on housing and because of rapid growth of population, the demand for hOusing has increased sharply. The qualitative and quantative problems have risen so fast.
I believe that, this growth is not natural. By deep research, It would be obvious that above mentioned gigantic growth is the product of prevalence of private section and lack of influential control of govemment on hOllJing Jection.
The weak policy - Jome times wrong - which is not fully operated has brought in some negative Physical and Jocial resultants, disharmonic and displanned expansion of the city, shanty townJ, houJing location on the fault area, and aim economic, Jocial, and skeletal results, finally political and environmental problems.