Discussions and researches have been done on the nature of knowledge from different point of\liews. But Mulan 's \liew on knowledge has a special characteristic.
This paper attempts to analyze knowledge with attention to details from the point of \liew of some of great gnostics, specially Mulana, as one of the greatest Islamic gnostics.
Mulana's ideas about different aspects of knowledge with reference to Masna\li Manavi and with examples and analysis have been discussed.
Topics that ha\le been discussed in this paper are:
Kinds of knowledge - Imitation - e\lils of imitation - imitator - imitati\le knowledge ¬opinion (based on imitative knowledge), certitude (based on positi\le knowledge) ¬spritual knowledge (based on positi\le knowledge) finally conclusion.
What has been concluded is gnostics, \liew, specially Mulana about knowledge is that knowledge on its own is not wrong or disagreeable and if sometimes some know ledges are scorned, actuly the results of such know ledges not the knowledge itself ha\le been
scorned. Side effects as Jealousy (en\lY), pride, insolence etc... that hmle entrapped some of learned men of science, such characteristics ha\le been scorned. Otherwise knowledge by itself from e\lery point of \liews including gnosticism is respectable.