Fourteen centuries ago Arabic language encountered an exceptional situation which was so far an in precedent one and apparently an impossible one for other languages to encounter in the future. At that time Arabic language was very important to Arabs and they were highly involved with the language and particularly with that of poetry.
In such a condition emerged a man together with a "Speech" in which he believed as being the divine revelations, which was indeed far beyond the terresterial abilities.
After some years spending on conflicts, Arabs came to believe in the Messenger of Allah and the holy Qoran . They appreciated that "speech" as nothing but the divine speech. They also believed that creating a speech more eloquent was impossible.
Therefore, Ooran became a "Model" and a criteria for Arabic language so that any form of language being in the same frame as that of Ooran ' s was acceptable and whatsoever out of that frame, rejected.
That is why Arabic language has neither grown old nor changed - contrary to all other languages of man - during fourteen
centuries and in different geographical territories (regardless of
By: Dr. Said Najafi Asadollahi
From:Allameh Tabatabai U Diversity
colliqual dialects with which the article is not concerned). Logically this will be a constant situation as far as Ooran exists (accoarding to Moslems, eternally) meaning, Arabic language will live an alive and up-to-date life.
On the other hand as Islam was getting spread among different nations and tribes, the non-native-Arab Moslems inevitably had to learn Arabic in order to appreciate Ooran; therefore, they started to induce Arabic syntax based on the text of holy Ooran, the limited texts of ignorance era (Jaheliet) and the immediate short period after Islam.
So arguing and researching on the Arabic syntax turned to be one of the most important sciences of that time, either among natives of Arabian or non-natives, among whom Iranians were the most assiduous, to the extend that they are called as the father of Arabic syntax.
Consequently, tht: amount of research done on the details of this language is so giagantic that one cannot imagine and as a result the syntax of no language has ever been or will be comparable to Arabic syntax from this point of view. As there are many common points is the syntax of all languages, one can use
Arabic syntax as a key to syntactical questions of other languages.