Seyyed Jamal - Ad - Deen Hoseini, well known as Asad Abadi, theosoph, philosopher, theologist and great Islamic scholar, travelling to diffrent cities across Iran and another countries such as Iraq, India, Afghanistan, Turkey, Egypt, England, France, Germany and Russia, met many famous clergy men, politicians and cultured people, in the world.
In these visits, he followed the aim of unity and solidarity among the Moslem nations.
In this way he opened a new chapter to strive dictatorship and colonization founded the solid and stable pilars of unity among the Islamic Ummah.
Allameh Iqbal the reformist of I.R. Pakistan in his speeches and writings has respectfuly recognized Seyyed Jamal and called him as a renovator of the contemporary erea.
He has introduced Seyyed Jamal in his famous book "Javid Nameh", as his true teacher to awaken the Eastern people. He has never denyed his proudness because of perception Seyyed' s way of thinking and follo}'ing him.
In this essay it is tried to show the debate between these two great reformists narrated by Iqbal describing in an imaginary world, about unity and solidarity of Islamic Ummah, which is contented by Maulana J alal - Ad - Deen who has been with them in that imaginary a journey towards the Mercury heavens