

In The everlasting word and magical poems of Hafiz, the Sweet tongued, everything has been arranged, as though the Lisanul-Ghayb (the tongue of the unseen) has employed it in his heavenly Diwan for the first time, making a new design.
In the Study of Diwan of Hafiz of Shiraz, we instantly realize that wind has a special place as its task is to carry news for the loved and the beloved quickly and unsparingly. In the magic of the langnage of Hafiz of Shiraz, there exist wind and its kinds, such as east-wind, north-wind, and breeze, which has caused movement and freshness.
In This paper, I will mention the compounds and descriptions of the wind and its kinds and will refer to the function and the goal of the wind as assigned to it by the Khwaje of Shiraz.
I will also attempt to state briefly the particular language of Hafiz in stating his intention.