Reasearchers and those who study tile effects of stress on hody health believe that cheerfullness and optimistic sense of humor have a negative effect on body health and longevity. Rescarch by Fnedman and his associates have shown that although cheerfullness and optimistic sense of humor may be beneficial in the short run, but in the long run may shorten people. s lives. Findings of these researchers indicating that optemism and a sense of humor as a coring mechanism can have an ellectlve role on trearment and reciver from many problems such as surgeries. injuries, and diseases, but result in an unrealistic belief that increases the risks of certain.
activeties, such as smoking or driving after drinking.
Opposed to, conscientiusness such as prudence, truthfulness, and freedom from vanity can
increas longerity. Another factors such as marriage, social support, and feeling of personal control have a man effect on personal ability 10 cope With stress and longevity.