The IslamIc revolution of Iran proposed Islamic government as the best system of government by the change of leadership and management system of the country. The proposed Islamic system was based on prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h) and Imam Ali's life (Sireh). The
prominance of Islamic revolution was thaI it was against the seculansm of the time. initiatmg the change L1Y God's name and contll1ull1g wllhll1 the framewurk of relIgeous tranings.
In this paper it was supposed that thc concep baackgrounds of islamic revolution were based on the Political idea of Islam. This is agamst those Who belive the revolution bec,1me Islamic one after the victory in 1970.
The historical and empirica1 backgrounds of Iran's contemporary history were such useful experiences in the maind of the late leader of the revolution and the aware people that denied the
polllieal guidlines of reformistlc modiflc.'ltion ane the restoratIon of kingdom. and decided to destroy the oppression. There were many factorS influencing the IslamIc revolution of iran but religion was the most important faclor.
Imam Khomemi was the theoncwn of the methodology of the struggle.
ThIs study points out the role of people's broad and effectlvc participation. Imam Khomeini's stnct leadership and the motif of pure islam.