

The prose of decadenc IS II1troduceel by its specwl charactenstlcs in Arabic literature. Imitation. repetition and using figures of speech are the characterislics of decadent prose. Sharaf -Od - DIn Ansari is one the poet of seventh eenlury anel l1elongs to this penoel. He guranteed and referred 10 the poets before himself such as Amrol Qals. Mmenabee. Abu Taml11am , Kab - Ibn Zohair and Omar - ibn - Rabieh. He produced an aelaption of Oman a great deal. These
adapt Ions are so much in his poems that affect his mental faculties. He has not used special
verses. In eulogy of prophet he has not used history or tradition. In eulogy of prophet he praised the family of prophet (p.b.u.t.) too.
