Pineered by Amr-ul Ghai._, Mujun (vulgar) nan-ative sonnets appeared in
the pre-Islamic period.
Although the Arabic poetic and literary traditions were later influenced
by Islam which encoraged moral and ethical approach to poetry, only one of
the non-Arab poets from Ethiopea , named Sohaim Abd Bani-al Hassadlhass, continued the Mujun tradition, He was a follower of Amr-al Ghais in his poetic style and the way he employed meaning in Mujun vulgar poety..
He was murdered because of his insistence on adapting Mujun tradition.
After him, the tradition was preserved by Amir ibn-eAbi Rabi-ah.
These three poets of the Mujun vulgar nan-ative sonnets (Amr-al Ghais, Sohaim and amr) are identified by their unique impressions of body organs, love affairs, explicitness of language, vulgar images, and the way they communicate with old ages through words and phrases.
The present article presents numerous examples from their poetry to illustrate the similarities between their works in Mujun sonnets.