

The languages of the world show diversity of structure. At some underlying leve_ however, the general and universal principle are at work. In this study the resesrcher has tried to reconsider the concept of typology so that the reader can grasp its interplay with universals.
Universals can be found at different levels of language. At semantic level, a kind of gradual hierachy for color terms exists. The system of vowels shows a facinating similarity in support of postulating a universal inventory. In morphology and syntax, universals can be observed in regulating the basic order of constituents in phrases and sentences. By studying universals we come up with the conclusion that at all levels of linguistic structure, the most common patterns are also the most regular.
The main objective of the study of unversals is to find an explanation for their existence. Language universals are often said to be the reflection of the fact that how humans perceive the world around them, there are also some structural explanations that account for the existence of universals that refer to the ease of processing and the speed of acquring. Finally, important social distinction on the content side are said to be the basis of universal features of language.