Epistemolo, had never been regarded as an in defendeni subject before Kant, and it was oniy after him, that it, became a separate branch and a subject for philosophical discussions, in the Islamic philosophy, nevertheless the main pthtciles of EpLvtimolo’ had been discussed implicitly within other discussios. The present essay, starting, from an explenation of analytic argument about realistic iheoty of knowledge’ goes on wit/i the exposition of three theorms among theologians and philosopher of Islam about the nature of knowledge. The first discussed theoiy sees knowledge as the mere relation between subject and object, and the second states, thai knowledge is an idea of the object in the mind of man, though not as a perfect idea, hut as an approximate form, this theorm is called “The theoty of shades”, i.e. relativism theoty in the end, the chosen theoty of Islamic philosophers which is called the theoty of mental existence that is (lie corresponding the oty of knowledge is discussed as the one chosen by ivlamic philosophers