

Plato in Theaitetos dialogue proceeds the main themes of epistemology means episteme and tries to find a definition for it.
All Plato’s three definition of episteme which is in deed different theories about episteme including Sophists and Sensualists remained without result.
The theme of this article is the first Plato’s defintion of epistemc.
The question of “What episteme is?”, brings up in main conversation
(143 C 9- 151 D 3).
The first Theailetos answer to the question about the essence of episteme criticizes according to Protagoras ’s sentence and Herakleitos ’s theory (183 C 9 - 187 B 3).
Actual disproving of first definition starts in fact in pan of this definition which Without relationship with Protagroras ’s timid Herakleitios ’s theories is treated.
The first Plato’s definition can be proved neither in its strong form nor in its weak form means “perception is also episteme”.