

In order to have a better understanding of Imam khomeini's view point to religious thoughts revive we should realize that there has been wave of great efforts to suppress religious Shiism thoughts through tout history. Also we should consider the Imam Khomeini's role and thoughts in reviving of religious thoughts from historical respect as well as its important effect on facing the exploiting and oppressor events.
Opposing the religious thought, through tout the history of Islam commenced right after passing away of prophet Mohammed. In fact one day has not past yet from his death that Moslem's Imamet and Velayat get out from the course of (whom I were his master) and settled in the course of Bani Saedeh Saghifeh and set ready the history bed for opposing the Shiism thought. After five years of Imam Ali's ruling, pure Mohammedy Islam (Shiism) near to seven century was captured in Bani Umayed and Bani Ababas, Palaces. But religious shiism thoughts did not stopped.
Some scholars such as Shaikh Mofid and his students like Sayed Razi, Najashi, Ibne Hamzeh and Ibne Alghami made such an enormous influence in Moghol's government the Abu Saeid the last Mongol ruler became one of the strongest follower and missionary of Shiism. During Safavid era the Ottomans then Ataturk and Rezakhan and finally the super powers such as United States of America and Soviet Union made special resistance against shiism thought. Finally Imam Khomeini came to fight with this resistance in order to revive the religious thoughts-because to him there was no border line to limit Islam. That fight act as the most important success factor in reviving the religious thoughts in our can temporary world.