Mowlavi draws a divine as well as human portrait of Moses. It is entirely based on the Quran and its exegeses.
As portraited Mathnavi, Moses sometimes appears as a disciple, who lived a life imbued with the divine Grace, from birth to death. Living such a life, he took steps in the cause of the divine faith, passed the spiritual path, and reached the truth, the station of being a representative of God on the earth. In other places, the portrait of Moses is such that as the true leader of the Isrealites, he dose his nine miracles with the divine
Grace and passes such gruesome and hazardous steps as the Satan and the inner soul to get rid of the reign of Pharaoh; hence, he could reach a high divine station. Despite all these experience, faced ‘with the Prophet Khizr, he acts like a true disciple and fails in the test of patience. According to Mowlavi, Moses sometimes represents a divine intellect and sometimes a human one.