

Title (‘Pazhname) is a name other than the main name that contains a praise or blame; such as "Hakimolmamalek” (the Philosopher of Lands). Titling was common in pre-Islam period and in Hendushah Nakhjavani’s view, this titling became common among Arabs during Ale Buye and Saljuqids and later in Iran, It replaced pseudonym, an Arabic practice.
Title is sometimes a common name given to different persons as a title and rank, like “Amiroshshoara” (Kings of the poets) and sometimes it is a proper name such as “Zorriasateyn” (with Iwo director’s responsibilities,) as was the title of “Fazl Bin Sahi Sarakhsi”
Most titles in persian have a compound form with an “Al” preface (‘Zollam) which should be taken as an attributable non verbal conjuctive compound adjective.
If the title (in Persian) comes before the main name, it is indicator or psudopronoun.
Sometimes title replaces the main name in this case, it might be called as a “nick-name”.