This valuable and famous khutba has been recorded in the old and authentic Islamic books such as; Amati by sheikh sadoogh, Uyoon - at - Akhbar by Ibn Qutaiba, Tohaf- al- suhool by Ibn shoaban Harrani, Tazkerat- at- khavass by sebt - ibn - Jowyi, Mataleb - a! - suool by Ibn talha shaafei, Morooj - at - zahab by Masoodi, Tabaghat - at- kobra by Ibn saad, Usoll- e - kaafi by koleiny, Eghd - at - Farid by Ibn Abd - e- Rabbeh, and Amali by Sheikh Toosi.
considering the importance and the influence of this khutaba on the moral refinement and purification of the soul in the defferent layers of the society and specially the youth, the author decided to make an investigation on the word taghva (Piety) by referring to some auttentic dictionaries and the translation and description of some of the phrases in the honorable book of Nahj - Ul - Balagha and present it as “An introdution to the research and investigation on khutba 186, on description of the virtues” So the reader before knowing about the pious, may understand the meaning of the word taghva (Piety)