The history of meaning in linguistics displays that Formal Linguistics has been going down in value, for not considering context, and having abstract approach to language. In contrast, Functional Lingistics merely was able to - to a certain extent, - to explain the meaning of language from pragmatic and paralinguistic point of view. i.e. it failed to recognize ambiguous sentences from addressee and reader’s point of view. The writers want to show when Functional Linguistics is not effective enough to disambiguate the sentences, formal linguistics could have descr4ptive efficiency within a framework of a semantic theory. Such a combinative approach is close to Leech’s theory in semantics, which has not been taken into consideration in linguistic studies. But this approach was proposed by Moslem legal theorists more than one thousand years ago, and known as the theory of Appearance in Fiqh Principles.
The theory of Appearance, based on the important Principle of Immediacy, is one of the exhaustive theories of inference which extracts legal judgements from Islamic legal texts.