

The origin of the comparative studies in the Persian and Arabic literary history goes back to the ancient times. In the contemporary history esp. in the Arabic countries and specifically in Egypt many considerable works in this field may be noticed as well A comparative study of two poets, i.e. Bahar and Shawq4 has been done because these two poets have had the same cultural, religious, and political conditions relatively. They both lived in the same period too. On the other hand, they both belonged to two ancient civilizations, i.e. Persia and Egypt.
They were the top poets of their own epoch. They both criticized and objected to the underdevelopment of the Islamic countries. A comparison of the eulogies for our holy prophet based on the common themes, such as mi ‘raj’, illiteracy, being the best one, the description of the Muslims’ status, etc. in the works of Bahar and Shawqi has been done.
